The Pharaoh Akhenaten is released from the soft protective wings of ISIS - a high queen of Egypt according to ancient Egyptian mythology. She presides as protector and consort of the dead.
The moment has arrived, she casts him gently in the direction of the opening in the tomb wall, he drifts toward the time-space continuum …. Anibus awaits.
Anibus, the dog-headed god presided over the mummification process, and now serves as guardian of the portal to the afterlife. The mortal king of Egypt is represented by the sculpted bust, but his immortal soul is not visible. Anibus will entrust the pharaoh unto Sekret in his journey through time.
In the foreground a mortal woman is poised, she offers herself to the assembled Cult of Isis. Anibus focuses the cosmic ray upon her, and she is transformed into Sekret.
The silver inlaid alchemist symbols, upon her limbs, entitle her unique human qualifications; allegiance, stealth, magik and healing.