60x84 Inches
A very difficult painting. Self-portraitive {for lack of the model} subsequently self identification set in.loneliness passion, yearning, loss ,memory. The female muse on one side either a specter or a object of memory. The reaching male figure on the other.{'you can't put your arms around a memory"} the mass and weight of the figure is anecdoted by the silliness of the jester cap, the internal spirit of the figure curves into the space above the head, following the lines of the carefree cap as if to continue it. The thrust of this painting rests on the bed itself.I sculpted these forms to reveal inner life force within the stones{since you cannot physically see inside the figure} suggested by the color, some cool, some hot. The discomfort of the rocks against the weight the figure relates to the overall emotion of the painting. The painting was three years of constant turmoil and work. The wild curvilinear burnt sienna lines dry brushed background was very first act in creating this painting .Ultimatly the lines are popped out as they pass thru the mid- section of the figure itself.