72 x 52 x 6 Inches
Art gives the viewers mind what it needs most…distraction. Appeasing the senses with form and color disconnected from reality is the turf of the abstract painter. Yet I believe that every successful painting has an abstraction at its foundation. The decisions one makes along the way is just how much to sublimate the subject. Knowingly supervising, suspending the viewers attention in pure color and with the round sculpted egg forms, revealing the figure second, was my intent. These egg like shapes are the most purely sculptural forms I have used yet in these 3-D works. Composition and mood are established prior to noticing the figure. One eye drops back through the forms all the way to the openings in the painting to the wall behind the picture. That kind of displacement provides momentary disorientation for the intellect, and the ability to use the wall be hind as an internal compositional element. This is one of the special kinds of pleasure a painting can deliver.